Composition and efficacy for 18 kinds of amino acid in mulberry silk

Composition and efficacy for 18 kinds of amino acid in mulberry silk - Winssy
1). Glycine (Gly) about 41.81% -Can lower cholesterol levels in the blood and prevent high blood pressure -Prevent blood clotting and thrombosis. -Lowers blood sugar levels and prevents diabetes. -Improves muscle activation and prevents stomach acidity.
2). Alanine (Ala) about 27.03% -Promotes the metabolic hydrolysis of alcohol in the blood and protects the liver.
3). Serine (Ser) accounts for about 12.43% - Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents high blood pressure. -Is a component of serine phospholipids in brain tissue. -Effective in binding bacterial disease and treats lung disease.
4). Tyrosine (Tyr) About 1.83% -An essential amino acid for the production of adrenal hormones, thyroid hormone, and genistein. -Combats Alzheimer's disease; promotes metabolism; increases appetite. -Effective in the treatment of chronic diseases such as gastric ulcers, mental inflammation and developmental disorders. -Associated with pigmentation, deficiency of which causes albinism.
5). Valine (Val) accounts for approximately 6.44% - Contributes to normal nervous system function. -When deficient, it causes a particular increase in tactile sensitivity and ataxia of muscle movements. -May be used as a therapeutic agent in hepatic coma.
6). Arginine (Arg) about 1.83% -Lowers blood ammonia, promotes the production of urea in the body, treats hepatic coma, etc. -Increases muscle energy and maintains sexual function. -Increases muscle vitality, maintains sexual function, and is useful in the treatment of spermatorrhea.
7). Glutamate (Glu) accounts for about 1.29% -Reduces blood ammonia and has the effect of detoxifying ammonia. -It is involved in protein and pond metabolism in the brain, promotes oxidation, improves central nervous activity, maintains and promotes brain cell function, and promotes mental growth. -It has therapeutic effect on severe hepatic insufficiency, hepatic coma, acidosis, epilepsy, schizophrenia, neurasthenia, etc. It is also effective in treating gastric ulcer, gastric coma, acidosis, epilepsy and schizophrenia. -Effective in the treatment of gastric ulcer, gastric insufficiency, indigestion, loss of appetite. -Protects the skin from moistening and cracking, such as detergents and cosmetics, which can irritate the skin and mucous membrane, suitable for young children and patients with skin diseases.
8). Aspartic acid (Asp) about 1.23% -Reduces metabolic ammonia and has a protective effect on the liver. -It has a protective effect on muscles, can treat angina and has an effect on myocardial infarction. -Increases fresh taste and promotes appetite.
9). Tryptophan (Trp) about 0.34% -Promote the synthesis of hemoglobin -Prevent mange -Promote growth and increase appetite -Sweetness is 35 times that of granulated sugar, the preparation of low-tang food is good for diabetes and obese patients.
10). Lysine (Lys) about 0.71% -Participates in the formation of connective tissue and microvascular epithelial cell mesenchyme, and maintains normal permeability. -It increases appetite, promotes the secretion of pepsin, strengthens immunity, improves growth retardation, prevents tooth decay, and promotes growth in children. -Improves calcium absorption and bone growth. -Deficiencies can decrease sensitivity and cause menopause, anemia, dizziness, lightheadedness and nausea in women.
(11). Methionine (Met) about 0.70% - Involved in the synthesis of choline, has lipid-lowering properties, and prevents arterial stiffness and hyperlipidemia. -It has the function of increasing muscle energy. -Promotes the synthesis of skin proteins and insulin.
(12). Threonine (Thr) about 0.58% -Essential, deficiency may cause weight loss or death.
(13). Histidine (His) about 0.36% - Participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and promotes blood production. -Produce histamine, promote vasodilation and increase the permeability of blood vessel walls. -It is effective in treating gastric and duodenal diseases. -Promotes glandular secretion, effective in allergic epidemics. -Treats peptic ulcers, dysplasia. -Effective in treating cardiac insufficiency, angina, lowering blood pressure, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.
(14). Proline (Pro) about 0.34% -Effective in treating hypertension.
(15). Leucine (Leu) about 0.32% -Lowers blood sugar levels in the blood and is useful in treating dizziness. -Promotes healing of skin, wounds, and bones. -When deficient, it stops growth and causes weight loss.
(16). Isoleucine (Ile) about 0.31% - Maintains body balance and treats mental disorders. It has an appetite-boosting and antianemic effect. -When deficient, symptoms such as physical exhaustion and coma may occur.
(17). Cystine (Cys) about 0.30% -Treats fatty liver and detoxifies. -Treats damage to the skin and is effective in treating post-sickness and post-partum hair loss.
(18). Phenylalanine (Phe) Approximately 0.66% - Converts to tyrosine in the body and promotes the synthesis of thyroid hormone and renal. and synthesis of adrenaline.

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